Tuesday 4 September 2012

crative creature

Have you seen an indigo before? You may have seen one in the jungles or forests. If you haven't  here's some information about an indego.

An indego kind of has a weird appearance. Their ears are like cats ears but they are round. They have     whiskers and huge eyes. Their fur colour is yellow and red because: 1 they eat bananas and 2 they eat       berries. Their claws are VERY bony but their camouflage is very useful due to its enemies. When it’s sunny they can hide in the light. The cool thing about indegos is that is that they can change colour to any colour and more then YOU can think of.

Life Cycle
This is how indegos start and finish life.

Indegos can act a bit weird and naughty. So beware of that if you find one otherwise you could possibly be covered in claw marks. So if you do, please be warned! The good news is that some indegos are kind and get used to humans. Usually it’s the indigo’s children that are kind.

Now of course indegos have enemies but what are they? There are lots of animals - mammals and insects that are the indigo’s enemies. The indigo’s enemies are snakes, eagles, monkeys, chickens, hens, rosters,   seagulls and more. But the most deadliest enemy is THE KING OF THE JUNGLE (which is the lion). Indegos are afraid of lions. When they hear lions there is only one way they can hide. Do you want to know how they hide from lions? It’s simple (sort of), they change colour and camouflage.

I hope that this information has helped because if you see an indego it may bite you!


Name Keenan

Monday 3 September 2012

What am I

                             I swim in the sea

                              I have no brains

           I can survive over five hundred million 

     I live about one hundred nautical miles       
             away from Cairns and Australia
       My body is about ninety five per cent of 
                                    What am I?
          Please leave me a comment to see what you think I am good luck